Be aware that monitor types vary in how well they can display color and graphics. Individual monitor settings such as brightness, contrast, frequency, temperature, etc. will also affect your color accuracy. What all this boils down to is that images on your monitor will always look somewhat different than the final printed product. Think about if you were to walk into a Walmart or a Target and go to the T.V. section. They are all paying the same show but all the screens look different.
Just Buttons does not have control over how your monitor is calibrated and cannot in any way guarantee what you see color-wise is accurate. If you have specific color concerns, please contact us right away and provide uncoated Pantone Color numbers for matching or a real-world example for us to reference. We print on a CMYK Digital Printing Press
For the best results, we suggest using one of our templates. However, we can accept pretty much any file type you send us as long as it is at least 300 DPI, the text has been saved as an outline, and it’s saved as CMYK. We recommend .psd, .ai, .eps, .pdf.
We can not use screenshots, pictures of pictures, or pictures of your computer screen for printing.
With our online button designer tool you can quickly and easily design a button online without having to download templates or buy expensive design software. With our software you can upload your own image(s) or choose from our library of backgrounds, clipart, and pre-made templates.
If you are uploading an image into our software the following criteria is recommended:
– Saved at 300 DPI in .jpg or .png format
– At 300 dpi the image should not exceed the dimensions of the button. For instance, if you are uploading an image for a 3″ button, your file should be 3″ x 3″ at 300 DPI, a file that is 15″ x 15″ will time out, and not upload.
Print-ready artwork should be supplied to us in one of our templates. When designing a custom button, fit everything you wish to appear on the face of the button within the innermost blue guideline. The area in-between the blue guideline and the green guideline is the rim area, any art or words which extend into this area will be visible on the rim of the button, but not on the face.
Your background color or graphic should extend to fill the red circle. If not filled, or removed, the red circle will print. The part of the red circle which extends past the green template guide is our recommended bleed. The white area is not visible on the finished product.
– graphics used in our template should be no less than 300DPI
– the template should be saved at no less than 300 DPI
– template should be saved as CMYK, RGB files will be converted and color shifts often occur
– fonts need to be embedded, converted to outlines, or supplied
You can download our templates here: